Wednesday, April 4, 2012

movin and shakin

I got to see you again yesterday. The Chinese doctor always tells me I don't need to come so often, but I get anxious. I have only had ultrasounds, no real prenatal appointments. I am going to rectify that soon! There is a global doctor here that I am going to try to see this week. We'll see what they have to say about you and me.

I wanted to try and see if you are a boy or a girl, but the 4d machine was broken. I still am thinking you are a boy. The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting a good picture of you because you would NOT be still!! You are a mover and a shaker! It's really fun to see you move on the screen, and I am beginning to think that when I can finally feel you I am in for it!

Today I am feeling GREAT!! The flu and the majority of the coughing I've had for the past 6 weeks are finally passing. I took a four hour nap after chattin with your papa online and woke up feeling brand new. SO I started a new workout regimen that involves a lot of bouncing around and 'shaking it'- I feel it is appropriate what with your apparent hyper-active personality :) Hopefully your mama worked off some of the potato chips I opened in the middle of the grocery store and proceeded to stuff my face with in an animalistic hunger-craze. I have been trying to make the best nutritional choices I can in China. You really help in that endeavor. Any pizza or potato chips I eat haunt my thoughts because I picture you snackin on empty carbs and it makes me pretty sad. So anywho- sorry for the sour cream and onion :/ I'll try harder the rest of the week! (This probably means that I should give away the mini cheesecake I bought on that same shopping trip.) I just want to be healthy and not gain forty five pounds while I'm bakin' you and give you the best of my food options.

Your daddy comes home in 4 days!! Pretty excited about that. (If for no other reason, so that he can clean out the fridge. I can't stomach some of those unidentifiable items.)


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