Saturday, March 31, 2012

16 weeks.

goin on sixteen weeks bebedoll.  you are getting bigger and so am i! most of my pre-you clothes don't fit me anymore. we're in China so 'real' maternity pants aren't much of an option for me right now. Instead I have been using the old hair-tie trick. Looping a hair band through my pants button hole and around the button to give myself just a liiiitle more wiggle room. Thankfully your papa's a real sweetie and has let me do some light shopping for some tops that cover than more than a little awkward wide open zipper. :) It's so fun to wake up in the mornings and realize that you grew a little more while I was sleepin'.

we've been discussing sendin' you and I back to the states for the rest of these nine months. We just think you might need a special doctor after you are born, and that mama needs a high risk pregnancy doctor before you come. Don't worry, we'll figure it all out.

Your dadders is in America for about 2 weeks. I have been a little bit weepy and sad about it, but since you're in my belly I kinda just blame it on you ;) Trust me when I say he is quite a good papa to you already, and I just miss him. I've been very sick for a few days now. I had a bad cold (I think I complained about it to ya last month) that lasted about 3 weeks, which was closely followed by a flu. Aches, shivers, coughing and a stuffy nose. While it makes me a little more sad to not have your dad around, (his hugs are pretty comforting, you'll see) you and I have been sleeping an awful lot, so that makes the time pass a smidge faster.

Anyways....just wanted to pop in and congratulate you on making it to sixteen weeks. This means next week I may be able to find out if you're a little Eisley Eleanor or a little Silas Van. Hopefully you show us the goods in your ultrasound ;) Either way I'm gunna snuggle you like crazy. Whatever you are, sick or perfectly healthy, agile or special needs, extremely shy or totally funny. You're OURS and we just adore ya.

love you snugglebug.


  1. I enjoy your words, your heart and your WAY OF COMMUNICATING immensely...never stop writing!:)
