Tuesday, February 28, 2012

yackity yack

violent mornin' sickness,

since 4 am,

and a broken pipe in the bathroom, gushing water. 

looks like today is starting early!! 




you have officially logged eleven weeks of existence as of today! i love tuesdays. i loved tuesdays before, too, because they are not mondays, and they are far enough from fridays to keep the pining at bay. but now i love tuesdays because they mean i am another week closer to seeing your lil face. kissing your lil self. squeezing your lil body!! i have quite a love affair planned for you and i, my baby.

anywho. we're eleven weeks today, and for THE FIRST TIME IN WEEEEEKS, i have felt zero nausea. (knock on wood.) i believe this is proof that a) you are already the coolest kid around, and b) Jesus answers even the most desperate and silly of prayers. (mine went something like, 'Lord, dear sweet Lord, for the love of all things kind and lovely, please oh please Lord help me not throw up today.' *leaning over trash-can.*) (did i mention how awkward it is to have morning sickness when your apartment is only equipped with a squatty potty? new respect for Chinese mommies.)

today during my preschooler's nap time, i was scrolling through some pinterest nonsense (ehem, erm, i mean i was doing something productive and useful with my break) and i think i saw some sort of chicken recipe. two things happened: first, i found myself NOT repulsed by poultry (cheers!!) and second, i thought something like...maybe one day i'll make this for my little family. and i pictured you playing around my ankles in our little chinese kitchen, and my heart did this sort of swelling thing. kinda absurd, but i think a tear sprang to my eye. i just thought....is this what it will be like? yes, you are a whole new chapter of my life, and i am the very first chapter of your life....yes, you give me a whole new purpose. all that is true, and i knew that already. but today i just sorta realized, that YOU, your person and your life, will add all sorts of new purposes to everything. every single thing you touch. every person you meet. every.little.thing. will be different than it was before.

that's pretty amazing, darlin.

daddy and mommy and papa and nanny and pawpaw and nona and great nona and great pawpaw and your aunts and uncles and cousins are already nuts for you!

my preschoolers like you, too. today at circle time they each took turns patting my belly and saying "hullo baby!"

yea, it was sweet.

well....i guess i gotta go do grown up stuff now. i think it'll involve eating some raviolis. you like the sound of that? ok, good. :)


Monday, February 27, 2012


how are you in there?
pregnancy has to be the strangest thing to have ever occurred. This has to be the most effective way to make your stomach feel totally awkward being connected to the rest of you.
Today I was thinkin' that if your dad and I stay here with you a while, you could very well be a little bilingual genius.
Being an American with food cravings in China is complicated.
Anywho...just wanted to say whatsup. Oh, and to tell you that I ate an ENTIRE JAR of dill pickles today.
I'm grossed out too.
Love you munchkin.
sleep tight in your nest.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

case of the crazies

hey little one.

you're doin some crazy things to this already crazy lady's body this week. your pop and i were walking to church this morning (after i had already gotten sick three times, yet still managed to successfully assemble a decent outfit) and i was overtaken with fresh queasiness not twenty steps out the door. we came home and you and i went back to bed for the next three hours. i've been whining, moaning, grunting in discomfort, and your daddy has bore quite the brunt of it. (we press his nerves, but he loves us.)

the emotions are pretty crazy too. i have felt soaring joy and deep sorrow in less than ten minutes, and for the first time since second grade i have been seized with the overwhelming urge to throw big, fat, tantrums. (usually at the knowledge that there are no poptarts, when all i want is a poptart.) (later, i may acquire a poptart, but by then i most likely won't want it anymore.) these cravings are pretty unreliable.

HOWEVER, this tuesday marks eleven weeks, which leaves me roughly two short weeks away from the three month mark. i am hoping you are the sort to move past the angry nausea phase after trimester one.

wondering if you are my son or my daughter. i keep having dreams that you are a baby boy, and i wake up a smidge panicky, probably because i have less insight into boy-hood. but if you are a little boy, i'm pretty sure we'll get along just fine.

exes and ohs sweet baby

Friday, February 24, 2012

ten weeks.

dear bird,
today your mom woke up with a strong case of the absolutely-grumpy-s. partly it was due to the morning sickness, which is never fun...you did give me a break from it for the last few days, so thanks for that sweet thing! the other side of it is much more shallow. this week you're growing from the size of a kumquat to the size of a fig, and i was thinking yesterday that when you grow a little bigger, maybe i will feel more gracious toward my body. mostly cause by then i think i'll think of it more as YOUR body. all the growing and pudging it's doing will be for you. it is now, but when i can SEE you in a belly bump, it might help me to overlook the new bulge around my hips. i can't explain to you, bird, how silly we adults get over things like body image. i don't even want to explain it to you, because i want you to live in a better world, with a better reality than this one. a less cliche reality.  i want important things to be important to you. i want you to always every day of your life, to know how priceless your beauty and worth. i want you to treat yourself with kindness; i want you to be covered in the dignity of being absolutely loved and accepted. by me, by your daddy, by your whole giant family, and most of all by your sweet Heavenly Father. The One who made you and placed you in my growing tummy. you were meant for me, and i was meant for you.
Keep up the growing, my sweet little baby!!! I get to see you again in just a few weeks at ultrasound number three!
Love you already,
here you are little one