Wednesday, June 13, 2012

27 weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks 
Total weight gain: 12 lbs (Been trying to rectify this with inordinate consumption of cheese and peanut butter!)
Maternity clothes? Two sister in laws and a husband's trip to America later and I am well stocked with maternity clothes. I mostly just try to be creative with stretchy skirts and form fitting shirts, because maternity dresses tend to make me look like I am wearing a giant bag. (Blame it on the booty!) 
Stretch marks? no :) 
Sleep: getting better now that I have a maternity pillow! That thing is BRILLIANT.
Best moment this week: Hmmm....When our friends Josh and Jenny offered to buy Eisley a crib. And aquiring our new (to us) i phone! I am excited to be in touch with our family in the states, and taking lots and lots of pictures of our lil honeydew melon!
Miss Anything? Definitely miss sitting or laying without back pain, and I also miss eating without heartburn afterward!!
Movement: several times throughout the day and at night and especially after eating apple slices! :)
Food cravings: Cottage cheese with peaches. But I think I really only want these things because they  are difficult to come by in China. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: not much of that going on anymore. Maybe once or twice a week I have a queasy hour or so, but we've been pretty clear since we made it past the fourth month. PRAISE THE LORD.
Gender: GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: still nope lol
Symptoms: heartburn! And a very painful burning/tingling sensation in my left leg- only because of where Miss Eisley bird is sitting. It's okay. ;) AH and some majorly pinched nerves in my back, which make it awkward to sit or lay at any point for any amount of time. 
Belly Button in or out? innie! 
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I really only have two 'moods' outside of happy: super sleepy, and super sensitive. We've had so many conversations the last few months where I have had to stop and say..."I hear myself. I hear the irrational." 
Looking forward to: findin out for sure how early baby bird will be makin her debut. Praying and hoping she can make it past week 31!! 

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