Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Burrowing Bird

We need to talk about your penchant for mommy's rib cage. Are you shy or nervous? I regularly feel you burrowing deep into my right side, and I just can't imagine that it's comfortable.

I'm takin you in belly form to the doctor again today. I'm hoping all the cheese I ate this week has fattened you up a bit. (It has certainly fattened ME up. Yikes!) Doctor will check on your placenta (I guess it's your placenta, who else would it belong to?) and maybe give us a better idea about how early you will be coming. I'm nervous, and I also really don't enjoy going to the doctor here. It's kind of a whole to do. I'm usually lectured through translation about not calling ahead. Which is funny to me because--- I don't speak Chinese. How can I call ahead?

It is a good hospital though, from what I can tell so far, so I am going to try to go in with open hands and just TRUST that they're doing everything that needs to be done.

I love you and your big ol noggin. In fact I can feel that sweet noggin rollin against my ribs as we speak. Can you pick a new position?


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