Tuesday, August 14, 2012

35 weeks

Wow! I have really neglected writing on here....mostly because our Internet at home has not been reliable to say the least, and lugging a laptop and a
Baby belly to Starbucks is just.not.appealing. Typing on this lil iPhone is tedious, but I guess I've been needing to get with the century for a while now anyways.

My goodness honey girl!!!! There are so many things to say about you. You are so CLOSE to me, inside me, near my heart. And yet. You are still SUCH a complete mystery to us. Here is what I know about you so far:
You don't appreciate it when my blood sugar is low, and you have no trouble letting me know it.
You love music, particularly The Civil Wars, Gungor, The Decemberists, and a host of other folksy sounds. You're a girl after your daddy's Virginia mountains, Americana heart.
I've never felt or seen you move so much as you do when I've got the Mumford and Sons station playing on my belly.
You like your daddy's voice but shy away from his touch. Like most babies you stop moving the moment we
Draw attention to the fact.

Now that it looks like we can have a natural delivery, I've been reading up like crazy. Nothing I read dispels the terror. As horrifying as it ALL sounds and as much as I wish there was an alternative way to get you into the world with us, I am feeling more ready each day. The crowding in the ribs
might have something to do with it.
You know, I hear a lot of women complain about the discomfort
of the kicking. I keep waiting for it to become that way for us, but even when I feel a twinge of pain from your movements, I still just think its the sweetest thing. When other things ail me, I get grumpy, but it's never really had to do with you. I wish you would move more than you already do. I just really like you a lot. It keeps occurring to me that one day you will be a grown person walking around, making decisions. Pretty incredible but I wont fast forward.
We've had little time to prepare a room for you, what with all the moving and medical expenses over the course of the pregnancy, but I hear ya don't need much. We bought you a crib his week, and I think you'll be crashing with mom and dad in our room for the first few weeks. I've got food for your lil baby belly, and lots and lots of (free!) diapers for your lil baby booty. We have a few outfits for your first months. Other than that I think we'll manage as we go.
(who is this zen lady talking to you? You know as well as I do that your pop is the relaxed one.)

Ok well. Thats the update. You're lookin great in there. You've done a top notch job of developing. Could t be prouder :) See you in a couple weeks! (a wk and a half from now and you will have my full permission to make your debut.)
Xo pat pat pat snuggle snuggle

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